Surprising And Secret Ways Your Dog Says ‘I Love You’

★- He brings you his toys

Every dog ​​owner knows how possessive dogs are when it comes to toys. So if your dog brings you his toy or even pushes it over to you, you can be sure that he loves you unconditionally and trusts you.

★- Yawning together

Yawning is contagious; everyone knows that. Because yawning is closely related to our compassion, yawning simultaneously is a sign that your dog is emotionally attached to you. Just yawn and see how your dog responds.

★- He sleeps with you

Dogs are pack animals and therefore like to use their friend’s body heat. Since dogs are pretty vulnerable when sleeping, and your dog chooses to sleep in the same bed with you, your dog trusts you like no other. Also, according to a study, having your pet around helps you relax better.

★- He wags his tail

Tail wagging can represent a whole range of emotions. According to a study, dogs speak a particular language to humans. Overall, it’s a sign that your dog is getting emotionally involved in everything that’s going on around him. However, this, in turn, depends on the height and speed of the tail wag. For example, a high wagging tail indicates excitement, while a low wagging tail indicates nervousness.

★- He raises his eyebrows and shows his tongue

When a dog is viewed, it shows a great deal of facial movement. For example, they raise their eyebrows to make their eyes look bigger. Especially with the so-called puppy eyes, we could all get weak.

★- He cuddles with you

What’s better than cuddling your dog after a hard day? It’s the same with dogs. They love it, and at the same time, it is excellent for relieving stress. This also strengthens the emotional bond between you and your dog.

But if your dog doesn’t like cuddling that much, it doesn’t mean that he doesn’t love you. This is often due to the breed of the dog. Some species have been bred with love, while others have been taught to be completely different.

★- He leans on you

As mentioned before, dogs are pack animals. So they are specifically looking to be close to their best friend. Namely to you. This strengthens the physical and emotional bond between you and your dog. In addition, your dog shows that he trusts you!